26 oct 2010

Spanish II - All About Me Project

Los alumnos de Español 2 talked about their likes and dislikes and they also created an artwork for this project.

21 oct 2010

Jarabe de Palo - Bonito

Todo me parece bonito - Everything looks beautiful to me.

The verb "parecer" follows the same pattern as "gustar"

Listen to the song and fill in the gaps.

18 oct 2010

Likes and Dislikes

To say we like something in Spanish, we use the verb GUSTAR.

The structure of the sentence is different than in English, it is backwards, we could translate it literally as “something is pleasant to me”. Ejemplo: Me gusta el tenis (Tenis is pleasant to me), Me gustan los gatos (Cats are pleasant to me).

For the negative sentence, just write “no” at the beginning of the sentence. Ejemplo: No me gustan las zanahorias (I don’t like carrots).

Use GUSTA when:

•the thing you like is an action: Me gusta montar a caballo (I like riding horses)
•the thing you like is singular: Me gusta mucho el café (I like coffee very much)

Use GUSTAN when:

•the thing you like is plural: Me gustan los gatos.

Likes and dislikes
View more presentations from NoeliaRG.
Gustar rags to riches
Gustar matching
Gustar indirect object pronouns
Gustar expressions

Extra Credit

Write 10 sentences to talk about your likes and dislikes. Use interesa, aburre, gusta and don´t forget articles with nouns, not with verbs!

15 oct 2010

How to find words in a dictionary

When searching words for one of our assignments, you shouldn´t use automatic translators.

Software translators are far from natural language. A machine won’t distinguish between the various senses of the same word; if you use online translators, your text will be scrambled and it may not have much sense.

We are going to learn how to choose the right word when we are searching in a dictionary.

Now, check what happens when you use automatic translators...

13 oct 2010

Telling time

To learn how to tell the time in Spanish click here.
To listen to time expressions click here.

¡Vamos a practicar!

¿Qué hora es? y Busca el reloj (go to the “actividades” section once you are in the web).

Memory game


12 oct 2010

Día de la Hispanidad

Today is Spain´s National Holiday, also called Día de la Hispanidad. It is the day that Cristopher Columbus arrived to the island of San Salvador on his initial voyage of discovery.

Many countries celebrate Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas. This holiday is called Columbus Day in the United States, Día de la Raza (Day of the Race) in some countries in Latin America, Día de las Culturas (Day of the Cultures) in Costa Rica, Discovery Day in The Bahamas and Día de la Resistencia Indígena (Day of Indigenous Resistance) in Venezuela.

10 oct 2010

Spanish I - El muchacho y la muchacha project

Los alumnos de Español 1 worked on a project where they had to introduced themselves and one of their classmates.

They also created their own muchacho/a and one for their classmate.

8 oct 2010

7 oct 2010

Present tense of verb SER

SER is one of the two verbs we have in Spanish to mean “to be”.

It is used to express permanent characteristics like someone’s character and appearance (Ella es simpática, Tú eres alto), nationality (Yo soy española), origin (Él es de Estados Unidos) and profession (Tú eres profesor).

As you know, in Spanish each subject has a verb form, so let’s learn the conjugation of verb “ser”.


Now, practice these games:

Matching: pronouns and verb SER

Rags to riches.




Talk about your classes

Don’t forget this verb it is a very important verb and we use it a lot!

6 oct 2010

Subject pronouns

What is a pronoun? It is a word that replaces a noun.

We are going to study those pronouns that act as subject in a sentence.

Now let’s look at the subject pronouns in English and in Spanish:

Flashcards and memory game


Concentration: pronouns and articles

5 oct 2010

Articles and Adjectives - Agreement

What is the so called "agreement"?

In Spanish, articles and adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. We are going to learn the definite and the indefinite articles, adjectives and plural forms.

Do you need to practise? Play some games!

Gender quiz

Noun-adjective agreement

Adjectives: matching

Adjectives: opposites

3 oct 2010

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15, the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries—Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico declared its independence on September 16, and Chile on September 18.

In Mexico DF, every September 15 at 11pm the President delivers "el grito" or cry of independence.
This ritual recreates the moment in which Father Hidalgo, the heroe of the independence, gathered his followers in Dolores Guanajuato.
2010 is a special year, because Mexico celebrates 200 years of independence from Spain.

More information and fun activities about Hispanic Heritage Month

Extra Credit (10 points)

Country research

Famous people research (choose 2 people)

1 oct 2010

Introduction to Spanish

To begin with, we will check your knowledge about the Spanish language and culture.

Do you know any Spanish actor or actress? Do you know where Spanish is spoken?