29 mar 2011

La Familia

Vamos a aprender vocabulario sobre la familia. Click on the image to listen to the vocabulary.

Ahora, contesta estas preguntas:

Para hablar sobre tu familia, repasa el verbo TENER:

For more practise, you can play…

Talk Spanish: age and siblings

Meeting a Spanish family
Memory game

Las bodas y la familia

¿Quiénes son?





Listening activity: Your family

24 mar 2011

21 mar 2011

Spanish I - El Menú

As a project to review the food vocabulary, the students of Spanish 1 created their own Spanish menus…

¿Qué desean Ustedes? ¡Enseguida!

18 mar 2011

Field Trip to Wayne State College

Yesterday, we went to the Annual Language Day of Wayne State College.

The students of Spanish II participated in a contest with this great video:

And this is what we got! ¡Somos los mejores!

14 mar 2011

La Salud - Health

Go over the flashcards to learn new words and expressions related with health and illnesses.
Click on the image to listen to more vocabulary.


Practica en estos enlaces:





Illnesses and recovery. What’s the matter with this people? What do they need to do to recover from their illnesses?

Desayuno sano (Healthy breakfast, Spanish commercial)

Aprende a comer sano (Learn how to eat healthy food- game)
Consejos para tu bebé (Tips for preventing child accidents at home, Spanish commercial)
Anti-smoking law (Spanish commercial)

Kids Health (dictionary and games)

8 mar 2011

Commercial "El Cigarral" Cheese

How do you say What is that in Spanish?

Let’s have some fun, write the Spanish word for cheese in your fingers: Q-U-E-S-O and watch the commercial...

Ready? Now, try to mimic the children!