30 ene 2011

Spanish II - At the Clothing Store

Los alumnos de Español 2 performed some dialogues to practise some of the shopping vocabulary they learned in class.

They did a great job! Check it out!

25 ene 2011

Tener used in expressions (I am 17, I am hungry...)

Tener means to have or to possess. It is an irregular -ER verb, although it takes the -ER endings for the present tense, it has a changing stem.

The only regular forms are the nosotros and vosotros forms. Check the changes that occur in the rest of the forms:

Yes, you are right! It is a "gogo verb" and it also adds an "i" in the , él-ella-usted and ellos-ellas-ustedes form. You got it :)

The verb tener can also be translated as to be in some expressions.
You already know how to express age in Spanish:
- I am seventeen Yo tengo diecisiete años.
Other expressions are:

¿Necesitas repasar estas expresiones?

17 ene 2011

Tengo un sueño ... / I have a dream

Hoy es el día de Martin Luther King Jr.

This national holiday honors the life and work of America’s greatest civil rights leader.

Spanish MLK JR Vocabulary:
  • liberty- la libertad
  • equality- la igualdad
  • peace- la paz
  • justice- la justicia
  • respect- el respeto
  • divertisy- la diversidad
  • tolerant- tolerante
  • equal- justo
  • I have a dream- tengo un sueño
  • discrimination- la discriminación
  • segregation- la segregación
Vamos a escuchar los "Sueños" de Juanes

Fill-in-the-blank activity
Ahora, tell us about your dreams for the world and for yourself.

You may need to use a dictionary.

MLK Jr. speech in Spanish

MLK crossword

MLK quiz

MLK activities

10 ene 2011

Present Tense of -ER and -IR verbs

We have already learned how to conjugate an -AR verb in the present tense.

If you remember how it works, it is very similar with the -ER and the -IR verbs, you only have to learn the endings.

Now, review the meaning of some regular -AR, -ER and -IR verbs.

Quizlet with common AR, ER and IR verbs

Multiple choice with the verbs you have to know

Rags to riches with conjugation

Battleship with conjugation

6 ene 2011

Letter to the Three Wise Men - Carta a los Reyes Magos

All the countries where Spanish is spoken have received the visit of the Three Wise Men, Los Reyes Magos. They have brought presents to everybody.

Did you write your letter to ask them for your presents?